Pain Relief with Physical Therapy Massage
Physical therapy massage focuses on rehabilitating muscle and joint strength while improving mobility and function. Deep tissue physical therapy massage targets muscle tension caused by strains and sprains.
Many patients find pain relief with physical therapy massage.
The Benefits of Physical Therapy Massage

Your Therapy Network therapist may include physical therapy massage in your recovery plan. As part of a comprehensive plan, physical therapy massage provided the following benefits:
Who Benefits from Physical Therapy Massage?
With so many benefits, it is a good bet that your TTN therapist will include physical therapy massage in your recovery plan. If you have been diagnosed with any of the below conditions, physical therapy massage is known to provide lasting benefits:
It is important to note that physical therapy massage differs from a spa massage. While spa massage is part of a healthy lifestyle, physical therapy massage is performed by a trained physical therapist. Physical therapy massage increases blood flow around an injured area and relaxes soft tissue, muscles, connective tissue, tendons, and ligaments.
Achieve Pain Relief with Physical Therapy Massage at The Therapy Network
The Therapy Network has six locations in coastal Virginia. If you live in Hampton, Norfolk, Virginia Beach, or Chesapeake, Virginia, there is a location near your neighborhood.
You do not need a physician’s referral to visit The Therapy Network in Virginia. Timely assistance is essential to our team, so appointments are available today.
At The Therapy Network, you will meet a therapy specialist who will create a custom recovery plan specific to your condition.