Sports Physical Therapy

Sports Physical Therapy in Tidewater, Virginia

Sports Physical Therapy and physical therapy are under the same healthcare discipline, but they differ. A sports injury specialist is licensed to treat sports-related injuries.

The Therapy Network has specialists trained in sports physical therapy in Tidewater, Virginia.

The Specialty of Sports Physical Therapy

In addition to physical therapy methods, a sports therapist helps athletes, hobby sports enthusiasts, and weekend warriors recover from injuries and work safely. Here are the capabilities of a sports physical therapist:

  • Design both rehabilitation and care plans
  • Enhance safe workout routines that avoid injuries
  • Provide comprehensive care when an injury does occur so that a minor injury does not escalate into a severe problem.

A misconception is that sports physical therapy is only for paid, professional athletes. Anyone with a sports injury or who wants to prevent a future injury can benefit from time spent with a sports physical therapist.

Sports Physical Therapy for Runners

Are you a runner in coastal Virginia? The Therapy Network offers a sports physical therapy program centered around the sport of running. For a full review of services for runners, click here.

Coastal Virginia provides the opportunity for mild temperatures and many running trails and competitive or fun races. With this popular sport, 65% of regular runners receive an injury yearly. The Therapy Network is here to help you overcome your injury and plan safe workouts.

Visit The Therapy Network

For sports physical therapy in Tidewater, Virginia, visit The Therapy Network. We have six locations in coastal Virginia. If you live in Norfolk, Virginia Beach, or Chesapeake, Virginia, we have a location near your neighborhood.

Appointments are available today. You do not need a physician’s referral to visit The Therapy Network in Virginia. Let us fill your sports physical therapy needs.


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