Work Rehabilitations/Industrial Therapy

Work Rehabilitations / Industrial Therapy

The Therapy Network is a leader in coastal Virginia workplace rehabilitation and industrial therapy. Our specialized therapists promote a safe work environment and create comprehensive work conditioning plans to bring an injured employee back to work.

Services from The Therapy Network

Services provided by The Therapy Network for workplace rehabilitation and industrial therapy include the following:

A work conditioning program helps those recovering from injury or illness return to work.
A functional capacity evaluation is a set of tests and observations to…
Industrial rehabilitation combines occupational and physical therapy to …
Onsite evaluations play a critical role in workplace safety.
What is Post Offer Employment Testing?

Our therapists not only assist employees during their rehabilitation and return to work, but they can also evaluate the current work environment and provide employee education.

Education and Prevention Play a Vital Role

Education and prevention play a vital role in workplace rehabilitation
and industrial therapy. With education, Lost Time Injuries (LTI) are cut, and employee morale is boosted. Here are just some of the benefits of a strong program:

  • Decreases employee injuries
  • Increases productivity
  • Improves work conditions
  • Decreases employee turnover by improving morale
  • Provide education to manage injuries effectively
  • Reduce worker’s compensation costs

Changes to workplace ergonomics and body mechanics play a vital role in getting an injured employee back to work and preventing injuries across the workforce. Contact The Therapy Network to learn more about our workplace rehabilitation and industrial therapy programs.

The Therapy Network in Virginia

The Therapy Network has six locations in Tidewater, Virginia. If you live or work in Norfolk, Virginia Beach, or Chesapeake, Virginia, there is a location near your neighborhood or work site. One of our therapy specialists is also available to provide an onsite evaluation of your work environment.

Appointments are now available.