Physical Therapy Helps Manage Spinal Stenosis

Spinal Stenosis, also called spinal narrowing, is when the spine begins to narrow and reduce space for the spinal cord and nerves. The condition causes pain, numbness, and muscle weakness. The good news is that physical therapy helps manage spinal stenosis.

What are the Causes and Symptoms of Spinal Stenosis?

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As your spinal column narrows, pressure builds on your spinal cord and nerves within the spine. Symptoms of spinal stenosis include the following:

  • Radicular pain in your back, legs, and arms
  • Numbness in arms and legs
  • Muscle weakness
  • Impaired bladder or bowel control in extreme spinal Stenosis
  • Pressure on your lower back may make you lean forward
  • Foot drop
  • Difficulty standing or walking

Spinal Stenosis is most often age-related and affects those over fifty years old. Arthritis of the neck or lower back is the leading cause. Stenosis can be either cervical or lumbar, with spinal Stenosis in the lower back is most common.

Physical Therapy Helps Manage Spinal Stenosis

Physical therapy helps patients manage their symptoms and prevents the worsening of the condition. Below is a list of how PT helps manage spinal stenosis:

  • Increases blood flow to the muscles around the spine
  • Provides muscle activation and improves flexibility
  • Improves range of motion
  • Strengthens your core muscles to support your spine
  • Introduces beneficial exercise such as a walking program
  • Provides postural education

Physical therapy provides initial symptom relief, but it also builds a core of exercise and movement to prevent worsening the condition. Patients must continue to follow a physical therapy plan to manage spinal stenosis.

What Can You Expect at The Therapy Network?

During your first visit to The Therapy Network, you will meet with a therapy specialist that will evaluate your condition. Your physical therapist will create a custom in-center treatment plan that lasts from four to six weeks. You will also learn exercises to continue at home.

Therapy Network physical therapy may include the following:

Physical therapy helps manage spinal stenosis. The Therapy Network has appointments available today. Our professional therapy specialists will guide you through treatment for spinal Stenosis and teach you how to manage the systems in the future.